Vendor FAQ's
What types of vendors do you typically accept?
Kids Fest is designed for children 12 and under and their parents. This includes toys, children’s clothing, schools, artists, makers, specialty foods, etc. Products containing CBD oil in any form will not be permitted.
How are applications reviewed?
Applications will be reviewed as received. If you do not receive acknowledgement of receipt within three weeks of submission, please contact the festival manager. The criteria for acceptance includes, but is not limited to, space availability, similarity to other vendors, products to be sold, history with Town events and the best interests of the overall festival. Submitting an application does not guarantee you will be accepted.
Will I receive a refund if I am not accepted?
Yes. If you pay by PayPal, you will be refunded immediately in accordance with PayPal and your bank’s policies. If you paid by another method, you will be sent a refund request form to complete. Non-PayPal payments will take at least two weeks to be processed and sometimes longer.
How big are the booth spaces? What if I need more than one space?
All booth spaces are 10’W x 10D’. Food vendor spaces are 15’W x 10’D. You may not purchase more than two booth spaces. General vendors needing more than a 10′ frontage must purchase two booths. Food vendors needing more than a 15’ frontage may purchase additional space at a rate of $15.90/linear foot.
Can I share my booth with a friend?
Yes, you may share your booth with someone. That person is still required to submit an application and be approved to participate. How you elect to share the cost is up to you.
Do you provide tents, tables, chairs, etc.?
No, we do not. TENTS ARE REQUIRED. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis. You are required to submit a photo of your setup with your application whether or not you use a tent. Uniqueness and creativity in your setup is encouraged.
What kind of tent can I use?
We only accept 10×10 straight leg tents. We do not accept 12×12 or larger, slanted legs or the fancy tents with the extra protruding sides. Stakes longer than 8 inches are strictly prohibited as they will damage our underground systems. Weights are strongly encouraged.
Do I have to have insurance to participate?
Activity providers and prepared-on-site food vendors are required to have insurance. Insurance to protect yourself from liability is strongly encouraged for other vendor types. You can find information on obtaining a policy on page five (5) of the
Application packet.
What if the weather is bad?
This is an outdoor event in the summer in Florida. You need to be prepared for all types of weather. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR WEATHER. In the event of a serious threat such as a hurricane, we will communicate a plan of action at that time.
How do I contact the festival manager?
The easiest way to reach the festival manager is by email. See contact information below. On-site contact information will be provided when booth assignments are sent. For mailed communication, please write Attn: Kids Fest.
Emily Dockery, or (904) 278-3043
Town of Orange Park · 2042 Park Ave · Orange Park, FL 32073
Accepted Artists & Vendors FAQs
When will I get my booth assignment?
Booth assignments and other setup details will be sent via email no later than April 5, 2024. A vendor list with assignments will also be posted to the Kids Fest website.
How do I pay my booth fees?
You will receive an invoice for your booth fees via PayPal. You do not have to a PayPal account to pay this way. You may also mail or drop off payment at Town Hall.
What time can I set up?
Load-in is done is stages the days before the festival. Food Vendors will be given a specific time to load in to minimize traffic jams and maneuvering challenges. Festival staff will be available to assist you in finding your location until 6pm both Thursday and Friday.
Can I set up on Saturday morning?
Yes, but you must be completely set up by 9:30am. All vehicles must be off of the grounds at that time. Make sure you go by the Information Booth to pick up your vendor packet.
I’m coming in after hours, what do I do?
No problem! You have received your booth number, festival map and other important details via email from the festival manager. Please come to the Information Booth on Saturday morning to check in and pickup your packet. Note: the park is dark at night. It is not recommended that you attempt to load in after dark or before sunrise.
Where is vendor parking?
Parking information is sent via email prior to the festival. If you have staff or volunteers arriving after the festival starts, it is best to park at Moosehaven and ride the shuttle. Both are free.
I’m from out of town, where is a good place to stay?
The Town of Orange Park has several hotels within a couple of miles of the festival. Clay County also has a few RV parks. Visit to see list of options.
Note: Whitey’s Fish Camp is the closest RV park to the festival grounds. Overnight camping/parking is not permitted on the festival grounds or within the Town limits.